Overall Score (score 55)
Overall aptitude for nursing.
Although Sam does not possess all the skills and traits necessary to work as a nurse, he can potentially develop and improve them over time in order to pursue a job in this line of work. He would likely be able to adapt to this type of position, but it would take some time and effort on his part.
Nursing Value System (score 63)
Encompasses a group of skills/traits that are essential to a fulfilling nursing career.
Sam possesses some of the values that are important for a career in nursing. People who are more likely to want to make nursing a long-term career do so because it offers them a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond financial gain - and Sam has the potential to be one of these people. By continuing to develop a strong nursing value system, he is more likely to find this type of career meaningful and fulfilling. Review his results on the specific values for more details.
Altruism (score 45)
A true desire to help others.
Sam is not the most helpful person. He will sometimes offer assistance to others, but it may not be his first instinct or desire. This doesn't mean that he is not concerned about other people's welfare - he simply doesn't want to have to inconvenience himself too much in order to help someone. Sam needs to recognize that being helpful to patients is a crucial part of his job. He needs to strive to be more open to helping others.
Empathy/Compassion (score 64)
Ability to understand other people's feelings.
Although he can nurture this skill further, Sam is generally quite empathetic. He shows compassion for the difficulties of others, and while he may not always identify with their feelings, he at least tries to understand them. Empathy is the key to maintaining positive relationships with people and helps Sam understand their needs. Developing this skill further will help him create meaningful connections with others.
Cooperativeness (score 57)
Ability to work well with others.
Having to cooperate with others is not always easy for Sam. He has his preferences as to how to approach his work and therefore, can sometimes find it a challenge to be flexible and work alongside others. When working with people, he needs to be willing to cooperate and adjust, even if it is not something that comes naturally to him. In essence, as a nurse, he needs to be able to work cohesively with patients, their family, and other nurses.
Desire to Learn (score 64)
Assesses eagerness to learn new things and pick up new skills.
The idea of learning something new may not be always be Sam's idea of fun but he does show a reasonably strong interest in knowledge and improvement. He is not an overly-eager student, yet he does understand the importance of expanding his skills and becoming a well-rounded nurse, especially in constantly changing world where technology is upgraded and medical breakthroughs are made on a regular basis. Sam is unlikely to turn down learning opportunities, at least not too often.
Ability to deal with structured environment (score 73)
Ability to adapt to a work setting that has a structured work approach and hierarchy.
Sam can deal with some degree of structure, but will need to time to adapt to a work environment with very strict procedures. On the one hand, nursing is a dynamic environment with the potential for last-minute changes or unexpected events, but it also a very structured setting with very specific methods of operation and conduct.
Honesty/Integrity (score 65)
Assesses strength of character in situations where one would be tempted to be dishonest or insincere.
Sam considers integrity fairly important, and tries to practice it every day. He has a reasonably strict attitude toward unscrupulous behavior, and is likely to be the type of person will conduct himself/herself responsibly. He may be tempted to stray from this path occasionally, but his generally honorable nature will likely take over. Overall, Sam can be trusted to behave in a principled manner on most occasions.
Customer Orientation (score 62)
Encompasses a group of traits/skills that are required to provide the best care possible to patients.
In order to help patients feel comfortable in the hands of a stranger, nurses must possess a strong customer orientation. This includes the ability to get along well with others, to make them feel at ease, and an overall desire to make them happy. Sam seems to possess at least some of the traits and skills that are the basis of a customer orientation, but some improvement will be needed. Review his results below for more details.
Social Insight (score 81)
Ability to read people and social situations, and respond appropriately.
Sam reads social situations amazingly well. He always seems to know what to say (and what not to say) at the right time, and has a good grasp of human nature. He has a good sense of what other people are thinking and how they are likely to react, and this allows him to interact with them more productively. Sam knows how to relate to people and make them comfortable around him.
Communication Skills (score 73)
Ability to express oneself clearly and productively.
Sam's communication skills are reasonably good. He is usually capable of sending a clear message to others, and while he may occasionally find himself dealing with misunderstandings, for the most part, he knows how to express himself effectively. He should continue to work on improving his skills in this area.
Listening Skills (score 62)
Ability to be an active and attentive listener.
Sam's listening skills are satisfactory, although there is still room for improvement. He is usually an attentive and active listener, and this makes it less likely that he will miss out on both direct and subtle information that a person is trying to get across. This is important, because patients are more likely to trust people who are willing to listen to them. In most situations, Sam is able to offer his undivided attention to others.
Agreeableness/Warmth (score 62)
Assesses whether a person's demeanor exudes warmth and friendliness.
Sam is usually pleasant with others, although it can be hard to be friendly sometimes when he is simply not in the mood. Overall, however, he tries his best to be warm with people. Most people enjoy being around him, and it likely isn't too difficult for him to make friends. Colleagues and patients shouldn't have too much difficulty working with him.
Build Rapport and Trust (score 70)
Ability to create a relationship with patients built on trust and understanding.
Sam usually tries to get to know his patients on a more personal level, which helps develop rapport and trust. Many nurses will do this in order to get to know a patient beyond his/her illness. Taking the time to build a rapport with patients helps ease them into a new caregiving situation, and makes Sam's work relationships more pleasant. He should strive to make this a more consistent approach in his nursing style.
Conflict Resolution Skills (score 45)
Ability to resolve conflict in a healthy and professional manner.
Resolving disagreements isn't an area where Sam excels. He may be able to handle minor conflicts, but are likely having difficulty remaining objective and focused on resolution with more emotionally intense conflicts. He does, however, possess some basic skills that he can build on. Improving in this area is important, especially if he is still not comfortable in conflict situations. Not all disagreements can be avoided.
Discretion (score 64)
Ability to recognize situations that require discretion, and willingness to respect others' privacy.
Sam generally recognizes that certain situations require discretion and therefore, tries to practice it - although there may be a few occasions when he either finds it difficult to resist sharing some information, or may feel that doing so would not be considered a problem. He needs to realize that he will need to practice discretion on a consistent basis. He likely understands that there are consequences to sharing private information, but he needs to make it a point to practice discretion all the time.
Psychological Strength (score 33)
Ability to deal with the trials and tribulations that are common in nursing.
It goes without saying that nursing is a challenge - one that requires exceptional psychological strength. It is not uncommon for nurses to be treated poorly by patients and/or their family, to have conflicts with other nurses or doctors, to have to handle many tasks per day, and to be required to complete difficult duties. Based on Sam's score on this scale, it seems that dealing with these types of issues will be a very difficult for him. Review his results below for more details.
Self-Control (score 17)
Ability to monitor and regulate one's emotions and behavior.
Sam completely lacks self-control. He tends to act precipitously and has a lot of difficulty restraining his emotions. When negative feelings crop up, it's almost impossible for him to resist them - he allows himself to be overwhelmed, which clouds his thinking and judgment. This not only makes it very difficult for others to get along with him, his lack of self-control could also make him a liability in stressful or high-pressure situations. Sam needs to learn to manage his emotions much more effectively.
Hardy Personality (score 39)
Ability to stay mentally tough in the face of hardship.
While Sam shows some degree of resilience, it is limited at best. This is a concern, especially if he doesn't have other skills and traits that can compensate, like good stress management techniques or a positive mindset. It takes time for him to recover from hardships and failures, which can impact his mood and confidence level. It is likely that he views setbacks and challenges from a perspective of limitation, and rarely sees them as a chance to learn and become stronger.
Fortitude (score 29)
Assesses whether a person has a strong stomach.
There are a fair amount of nursing duties that require a strong stomach, and this is not something Sam possesses as of yet. This can change with time and experience, but it is an aspect of the job that he will need to accept. He will likely have to work with at least some patients who require more demanding and difficult care, so developing fortitude is necessary.
Adaptability (score 30)
Ability to "find one's feet" when faced with sudden or unexpected situations.
Sam needs to work on being much more adaptable. Any unexpected changes or new situations will throw him off, and it will take time for him to adjust himself accordingly. He may prefer routine and constancy to change, or simply dislikes it when people refuse to do things his way. Whatever the case, Sam doesn't like being pushed out of his comfort zone. This will need to change if he works in a job environment where his tasks vary a great deal.
Dealing with physicality of job (score 52)
Ability to cope with nursing tasks that require strength and endurance.
There are some physical aspects of nursing that will be tough for Sam to deal with, at least initially. Nursing can be demanding on a physical level - he will need to prepare himself and adjust accordingly, whether it's wearing the proper equipment or learning proper physical techniques for reducing injury.
Coping Skills (score 26)
Ability to deal with stress in a healthy manner.
When under stress at work, Sam often feels like he is barely able to keep himself composed. Whether it's too many tasks, patients, obstacles or troublesome people, he has a difficult time getting a hold of himself and the situation when things get hectic. His ability to deal with stress is limited - he is not at his best in these situations.
Tolerance/Patience (score 32)
Ability to maintain one's composure in situations that test one's patience.
Sam's patience is limited. It doesn't take much for him to lose his patience; anyone or anything that inconveniences him or wastes his time will immediately result in agitation. This likely makes him abrupt or brusque with others, or causes him to give up too quickly. His lack of patience will have a significant and negative impact on his interactions with others, and the manner in which he completes tasks. Developing patience is easier said than done, but it is something that Sam absolutely needs to work on.
Conscientiousness (score 73)
Encompasses skills required to be a productive and careful worker.
Although Sam's conscientiousness can still be improved, he is generally a prudent and steady worker - it's just a matter of being more consistent. He is fairly responsible, and can usually be counted on to put in the necessary effort to get work done properly and effectively. Review his results below for areas that may need further improvement.
Dependability (score 67)
Ability to be there for others.
On most occasions, Sam is a reliable person. He may a have a very good reason for those times when he is not able to live up to expectations, but he should still strive to improve in this area. Overall, his patients, colleagues, and supervisor can usually depend on him to get work done when and as expected, and to be dedicated to his job.
Diligence (score 87)
Ability to complete tasks carefully and effectively.
When safety is essential, Sam makes sure to be as diligent as possible when completing tasks - although the same could likely be said for any duty that he takes on. He is not one to take shortcuts, or to sacrifice quality for speed.
Organization Skills (score 80)
Ability to stay on track, especially in a busy work environment.
Sam is a person who thrives on organization. In the absence of an established process to compete tasks, he would likely create his own. He takes a methodical and systematic approach to tasks, which helps him stay on track and deal with even the most complex projects. Sam's organization is commendable.
Attention to Detail (score 86)
Ability to take care of details.
Sam pays close attention to details, and may even enjoy taking care of the finer aspects of a task. Duties that require painstaking, precise work or that simply have a lot of small but important details to cover are perfect for him. He would also likely excel in quality control. This is an essential trait in nursing, as missing details could result in serious consequences.
Orderliness (score 78)
Ability to maintain a neat work environment.
Sam tries to make it a habit to keep his work environment neat. He doesn't have too many untidy tendencies, or at least does a good job of staving off the temptation to fall into patterns of disarray. It is unlikely that he will let a mess to get too out of hand. He is generally an orderly individual and doesn't have too much trouble maintaining a neat workspace. This can help his efficiency and productivity, not to mention the fact that neatness is essential in a hospital setting.
Efficiency (score 72)
Ability to complete tasks in a timely manner.
Sam is a relatively efficient person. Although he doesn't always complete tasks in the most time-effective manner, he does seem to find ways to save time and energy. He can likely squeeze in quite a few tasks into his work day, especially when he is able to find a way to streamline his approach, which is often the case. Sam is generally quite good at saving time and resources.
Accountability (score 57)
Willingness to be accountable for the quality of one's work and performance.
Sam takes responsibility for some of his actions, but doesn't do so on a consistent basis. He might come up with a valid rationale for why things didn't work out for him, and might admit to having played a part, but will not entirely own up to his responsibilities. Sometimes, he will make the necessary changes to advance and improve, but this isn't always the case. His performance depends a great deal upon his actions and decisions - he needs to improve his level of accountability.
Mental Aptitude (score 60)
Assesses essential competencies that are required in the day-to-day functioning of nurses.
The Mental Aptitude section of the assessment included skill-testing questions assessing knowledge and skills that are an asset in nursing. Sam's results on each of these sections follow. Keep in mind that these are aptitudes that can improve with education and practice.
Reading Comprehension (score 89)
Ability to read and understand information presented in a text or article.
Sam excelled on the reading comprehension exercise. He was able to understand the information and questions, and identify the correct responses. Reading comprehension is an important skill because Sam will be required to understand a lot of memos, manuals, charts, and medical/technical reports, which makes reading comprehension an important skill.
Arithmetic (score 17)
Assesses mathematical skills associated with various tasks in nursing.
Sam did not perform very well on the arithmetic section. He was unable to obtain the correct response for most, if not all questions. He was generally incapable of identifying the correct information and formulas to help him come up with the correct answer.
Compliance (score 57)
Degree to which Sam is willing to follow orders.
Note: The ideal score for this scale is in the mid-range. The Compliance factor does not count toward the overall score.
Sam is willing to be compliant, but not under all circumstances. If necessary, he will question some requests that others make of him, especially if following orders could harm a patient. Essentially, he won't follow orders blindly, and if there is a doubt in his mind, he will suggest an alternate course of action. There is a fine balance between being a "renegade" nurse and a submissive nurse, and Sam seems to be able to achieve that balance.
Impression Management (score 10)
Degree to which the test-taker responded in a socially desirable manner.
This scale assesses the degree to which results on this test are distorted or manipulated. Many people will try to present themselves in a better light, especially if the stakes are high.
Test-taker answers are compared to responses obtained from a large sample of the general population. When someone systematically selects socially desirable responses that are rarely endorsed by others, there is good reason to believe that a positive self-presentation bias is at play. A score that is suspiciously high may indicate that a person is lying, which may invalidate that whole test.
There was little or no indication in Sam's results to suggest that he was lying or trying to present himself in a favorable light.