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Pre-employment assessments

Job seekers these days are well-versed in interview lingo. Ask a candidate what his or her biggest weakness is, and the likely answer will either be "perfectionism" or "workaholism". With services to help job candidates build a masterpiece of a résumé and references that are planned out ahead of time, it can be a challenge for HR managers to really get to know whom they're hiring. So how can one filter through the hype and get to the root of a person's work behavior and personality? One of the best ways is through personality tests.

ARCH Profile has collection of professionally developed personality, career, IQ, attitude, and aptitude assessments. You can find out what motivates job candidates, what their values are, how well they work with others and what makes them tick. This way, you can make sure that you find the right person for the job the first time around.

The job of a HR manager during the hiring process is to narrow the gap between the job requirements and an employee's true nature. Employees whose attitudes and work style fit the company enjoy coming to work, are more likely to be engaged, creative, innovative and loyal, and will want to contribute 100% effort because their job is fulfilling and satisfying. Personality assessments can help make this possible.

With personality tests, you can recruit employees and save company resources. Assessments allow you to:

  • Optimize screening of job candidates. Filter out poor fits for the job and organization even before the interview process.
  • Make informed hiring decisions. Tests complement information obtained from résumés and interviews and give a more complete picture of who a potential hire really is.
  • Assess traits relevant to the job. Personality profiles can provide an over-arching view of a candidate's character, but if you want to assess skills or traits that are job-specific, ARCH Profile has custom-made tests for particular positions - manager, salesperson, office administrator, or other professionals.
  • Compare a candidate to your top performers. Using industry or custom benchmarks, our reports can show you how a candidate compares to star employees you wish you could clone.
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Read what satisfied clients have to say about ARCH Profile.

I always recommend to my clients that we use Psychtests evaluations before making a hiring decision. It proves to my clients that I care about the caliber of candidates that I recommend to them.

Melanie Diotte
Eximius Personnel