Test Descriptions & Sample Reports
AMI - R (Assessment of Multiple Intelligences - Revised)
Based on the work of Howard Gardner, will assess the manner in which a person learns best and will identify which specific
type of intelligence an individual possesses and how it can be used to his or her advantage.
No. of questions: 55
Question type: Situational, self-report
AMPM - R3 (Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix - 3rd Revision)
This full version of the AMPM test (Advanced Multidimensional Personality Matrix) is based on the Five Factor Model credited to Costa,
McRae, and Goldberg and includes five main factors, broken down further into several more specific elements.No. of questions: 175, plus additional Question type: Situational, self-report
ART (Analytical Reasoning Test)This analytical aptitude test assesses inductive and deductive reasoning skills. Verbal and quantitative reasoning skills are important in business decision-making and IT analytical aptitude, among other areas.No. of questions: 82 Question type: Situational, self-report, skill testing (arithmetic,
logical reasoning)
ATS - R (Assessment of Transferable Skills - Revised)This test will evaluate specific competencies and skills that can transfer quite easily from school to the work world, and from one job to another.No. of questions: 134 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
BCSA (Basic Clerical Skills Assessment)This assessment evaluates skills and proficiencies that are essential for success in the clerical and office administration field.No. of questions: 29 Question type: Skill-testing
CADVP - R (Career Advancement Profile - Revised)
Developed to evaluate how prepared a person is for an advancement in his or her career. It will provide information on whether an employee has the attitude, traits, and behaviors needed to move up the ladder.
No. of questions: 46 Question type: Situational, self-report
CAMOP - R2 (Career Motivation Profile - 2nd Revision) Motivation can be considered one of the keys to success, and employees are motivated by different factors. Finding out what motivates your employees can help you create an environment they can thrive in.No. of questions: 102 Question type: Situational, self-report
CAPAP (Careprovider Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile)This test assesses whether the personality traits and skills a person possesses match those required to excel in this challenging but rewarding career of compassion and responsibility.No. of questions: 114, plus additional (if applicable) Question type: Situational, self-report
CAT - R (Concentration Ability Test - Revised)
This test assesses how well a person is able to concentrate on a task and whether he or she has a well-developed repertoire of strategies to apply himself or herself when he or she really needs to.
No. of questions: 21 Question type: Situational, self-report
CCCSRT (Call Center Customer Service Rep Test)This test will assess whether a person has the attitudes, aptitudes and personality to work as a customer service representative for call centers.No. of questions: 137 Question type: Situational, self-report
CHAP (Childcare Aptitude Profile)This test assess whether a person has the necessary skills and traits to be a professional nanny.
No. of questions: 143 Question type: Self-assessment, situational, multiple choice
CORRTA - R (Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Assessment - Revised)
Assesses the unique blend of characteristics needed to thrive in this field. Of primary importance are possessing relevant knowledge, being able to get along and function with colleagues,
dealing well with customers, and having
a good work ethic.No. of questions: 96 Question type: Situational, self-report
COSA - R2 (Coping Skills Assessment - 2nd Revision)
Everybody is exposed to stressful situations, both positive and negative. The following test assesses a person's coping skills and his or her predominant methods of coping with stress.
No. of questions: 64 Question type: Self-report
CSP - R3 (Customer Service Profile - 3rd Revision) A career in Customer Service requires strong people skills and the ability to adapt well
to stress. This test will assess whether the personality traits and skills a person possesses match those required to work in this field.
No. of questions: 194 Question type: Self-assessment, situational, multiple choice
CTAA (Coaching & Trainability Attitude Assessment) Coachability is no longer limited to athletes. This test will assess whether a person is coachable - willing to learn, and accept feedback, criticism, and direction.No. of questions: 62 Question type: Situational, self-report
DISCPP - R2 (DISC Personality Profile - 2nd Revision)
Structured according to the well-known assessment, this version of DISC is an in-depth work personality
profile based on four main factors: Dominance, Influence, Supportiveness, and Conscientiousness.
No. of questions: 71 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
DOT - R (Detail Orientation Test - Revised)
Are you good at taking care of the little things? This test will assess whether an individual has the patience, focus, and willingness to be meticulous.
No. of questions: 26 Question type: Self-assessment
DPP - R2 (Driving Personality Profile - 2nd Revision)
A person's driving personality could pose a danger, not just to himself or herself, but others as well. This test will assess whether an individual's attitude
and behavior behind the wheel could be problematic.
No. of questions: 68 Question type: Situational, self-report
EAPT - R (Employee Attitude and Personality Test - Revised)
This test is an overarching assessment of a person's work personality profile and provides an excellent means of evaluating how a person may be best suited to fulfill a company's vision.
No. of questions: 85 plus additional questions (if applicable) Question type: Self-report
EntAP (Entrepreneurial Aptitude Profile) A number of people don't fit into the existing corporate molds. Driven to achieve, they work best when they're on their own, as entrepreneurs. This test will identify whether a person has the characteristics that typically demonstrate entrepreneurial potential.No. of questions: 131 Question type: Self-report
EPA (Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment)Provides information about which aspects of a person's personality are well-suited for owning a business, and which aspects could be problematic.No. of questions: 60 Question type: Self-report
GSSA - R (Goal-Setting Skills Assessment - Revised)
Goal-setting is an important component of success. This test will evaluate whether a person's attitude and behavior in relation to goal-setting are conducive to success.
No. of questions: 31 Question type: Self-report
HAPAP (Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile)Known to be one of the most competitive businesses, finding success in the hairdressing industry isn't an easy task. This assessment will evaluate whether a person has the skills and traits to be successful in this field.No. of questions: 79 Question type: Situational, self-report
ITAPAP - R (IT Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile - Revised)
This test is designed to assess certain aspects of a person's Work Habits, Work Attitudes and Analytical Skills that pertain to success in a career in the IT industry.
No. of questions: 133 plus additionall (If applicable) Question type: Situational, self-report, IQ
LEAP - R2 (Leadership Potential Assessment - 2nd Revision)
Determines whether a person possesses the personality traits that characterize good leaders, and looks at what techniques he or she would utilize if given a leadership position.
No. of questions: 100 Question type: Situational, self-report
LIQT - R2 (Logic IQ Test - 2nd Revision)
This test is designed to test logic and mathematical IQ using numerical patterns, geometric patterns and logic
word problems.
No. of questions: 20 Question type: Numerical and word problems
LiSI - R (Listening Skills Inventory - Revised)
The ability to hear is typically innate, but the ability to listen well is a skill that must be developed and practiced. This test will assess how attentive a
person is to a speaker, and whether he or she is an active participant in the listening process.
No. of questions: 54 Question type: Situational, self-report
MIT - R (Multi-dimensional Intelligence Test - Revised)
This IQ test measures several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, math skills, language abilities, spatial relations skills, knowledge retained and the ability to solve novel problems.
No. of questions: 109 Question type: Numerical, verbal, image-based
MVIT - R (Multidimensional Verbal Intelligence Test - Revised)
Word "smarts" makes up part of what is collectively known as intelligence. This test will assess how verbally intelligent a person is. Please note, however, that it is meant for those whose first language is English.
No. of questions: 60 Question type: Vocabulary, analogies, word puzzles
NAP (Negotiation Aptitude Profile)Being able to negotiate effectively is a good skill to have in your repertoire, particularly when it relates to the business world. This test will assess whether a person has a knack for deal-making.No. of questions: 186 Question type: Situational, self-report, memory, mental speed
NAPA - R (Nursing Aptitude and Personality Assessment - Revised)Nursing is one of the most physically, emotionally, and psychologically demanding fields - but it also has the potential to be very rewarding, both on a personal and altruistic level. NAPA assesses whether a person has the traits needed to succeed in nursing.No. of questions: 265 Question type: Self-assessment, situational, multiple choice
NVIQT - R2 (Non-verbal IQ Test - 2nd Revision)
This non-verbal IQ Test will measure a person's intellectual ability. It is designed to test IQ while minimizing cultural or educational biases.
No. of questions: 20 Question type: Image-based
ORSKIT - R (Organization Skills Test - Revised)Evaluates how well developed a person's organization skills are in terms of time management,
neatness, self-motivation, cognitive organization and strategies.No. of questions: 52 Question type: Situational, self-report
Estimated completion time: 25-30 minutes
RESALE - R (Retail Sales Evaluation - Revised)Assesses whether the personality traits and abilities a person possesses match those required to be a successful
retail salesperson.No. of questions: 119 Question type: Situational, self-report
RiskTA - R (Risk-taking Assessment - Revised)
Everyone has a different level of comfort with taking chances. This assessment is designed to determine a person's level of comfort with risk-taking, and how it could affect his or her career.
No. of questions: 54 Question type: Situational, self-report
RWAA (Remote Worker Aptitude Assessment)
This test is designed to determine whether a person is suited for remote work in terms of personality, attitude, and conduct.
No. of questions: 170 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
SEA - R2 (Self-Esteem Assessment - 2nd Revision)
This test is designed to evaluate an individual's general level of self-esteem and assesses whether his or her self-image could use some improvement.
No. of questions: 79 Question type: Self-report
SFPT (Security Force Profile Test)
This test assesses whether the personality traits and abilities a person possesses match those required to succeed in a career in security.
No. of questions: 109 Question type: Self-report, scenarios, skill-testing
SGCT - R (Security Guard Career Test - Revised)
Whether it involves protecting merchandise, buildings or people, a job in security takes more than just physical strength and courage. This test assesses whether the personality
traits and abilities a person possesses match those required to succeed in a career in security.No. of questions: 61 Question type: Situational, self-report
SIQT - R2 (Spatial IQ Test - 2nd Revision)The SIQT assesses a person's ability to mentally manipulate 3D objects, which has
significance in everyday life and
in the workplace.No. of questions: 10 Question type: Image-based
SPPP - R4 (Salesperson Personality Profile - 4th Revision)Designed to assess certain aspects of a person's personality and skills
that could help him or her land a successful career in sales, and to identify areas in which he or she may need additional training.
No. of questions: 180 Question type: Situational, self-report, memory, skill testing, image based
SPSA - R (Social Personality & Skills Assessment - Revised)Although most people naturally pick up the abilities necessary
for good social skills during socialization, some do not. This test will assess whether a person's social skills are helping or hindering his or her interactions with others.
No. of questions: 75 Question type: Situational, self-report
TEAMRP (Team Role Profiler)Putting together the perfect team is a matter of finding people with complementary strengths. TEAMRP is designed to assess a person's aptitude for teamwork, and identifies the type of role(s) he or she is best suited for.No. of questions: 43 Question type: Self-report
TIME - R (Time Management Evaluation - Revised)
This test will assess whether an individual employs effective time management strategies and habits, and how his or her approach may be helping or hindering his or her work performance.
No. of questions: 31 Question type: Self-report
TMAT - R (Telemarketing Agent Test - Revised)
Assesses whether a person possesses the personality, attitude, and skills needed to succeed in the telemarketing branch of sales.No. of questions: 177 Question type: Self-assessment, situational, verbal exercises
TuPT (Turnover Probability Test)
There are certain personality traits and characteristics that can influence a person's likelihood of quitting a job. TuPT is designed to identify people with this profile.No. of questions: 119 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
VaPro - R4 (Values Profile - 4th Revision)
This assessment is loosely based on the theories of Allport, Vernon and Lindzey, and on Holland's Vocational Interest Types. The test determines the personal and work values that matter most to an individual.
No. of questions: 184 Question type: Situational, self-report
VoSPA - R (Vocational Style & Personality Assessment - Revised)
Assesses a person's interests, values, and preferences surrounding his or her career. It will provide information about what
motivates and interests a person, and offers career suggestions that best suit his or her profile.No. of questions: 260 Question type: Self-report
WALA - R (Work Accident Likelihood Assessment - Revised)
Assesses whether a person's personality, attitudes, and behaviors might cause him or her to take unnecessary chances or be blind to the risks inherent in everyday life.
No. of questions: 72 Question type: Situational, self-report
WINS (Work Integrity Screening)
This test provides information on whether a person is likely to behave with integrity and professionalism in the workplace.No. of questions: 85 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
WINT - R3 (Work Integrity Test - 3rd Revision)
This test is intended to provide supplemental information on a person's potential for dishonest behavior in the
work environment.
No. of questions: 157 Question type: Self-assessment, situational
Therapy & Counseling Assessments
AMQ - R2 (Anger Management Questionnaire - 2nd Revision)
Being angry in certain situations is not only completely natural but also necessary. This test will assess how a person deals with anger-inducing situations of various intensity and significance.No. of questions: 42 Question type: Situational
AnxSyS - R2 (Anxiety Symptom Screener - 2nd Revision)
While moderate anxiety can be limiting, severe anxiety can be crippling. This assessment is designed to determine whether a person presently has, or is at risk for developing an anxiety disorder.
No. of questions: 42 Question type: Self-report
Based on the DSM - 5, this test screens for six major mental health disorders, including Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, and Panic Disorder.No. of questions: 60 Question type: Self-report
BMHE - R (MDD, BPD, GAD, PTSD - Revised)
This test screens for Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as outlined in the DSM-5.No. of questions: 49 Question type: Self-report
DepSyS - R (Depression Symptom Screener - Revised)
This assessment is designed to determine whether a person presently has, or is at risk for developing a depressive disorder. It also evaluates along whether his or her mindset makes him
or her more prone to depression. No. of questions: 101 Question type: Self-report
EMEBA (Emotional Eating Behavior Assessment)
This assessment is designed to assess a person's tendency to eat for reasons other than hunger. It will evaluate the underlying reasons for overeating.No. of questions: 149 Question type: Self-report
ParSP (Parenting Style Profile)
ParSP is designed to identify a person's parenting style, based on the level of responsiveness and demandingness he or she provides.
No. of questions: 45 Question type: Self-assessment, situational, multiple choice
Athletic Assessments
ACE (Athlete Competition Evaluation for 14+ year olds)ACE assesses whether a player possesses the personality traits and characteristics needed to succeed in a sport. This test is intended for players 14 and older.No. of questions: 130 Question type: Situational, self-report, skill testing
BASE - R2 (Baseball Athlete Success Evaluation for adults - 2nd Revision)
Used to determine whether a baseball player has the psychological make-up of an elite performer. Equipped with this knowledge, professional scouts for baseball and other team sports can gain greater insight and understanding into which players can be both a physical and mental competitor.No. of questions: 105 Question type: Self-report, situational
CASEI - R (College Athlete Success Evaluation - Individual Sports - Revised)College athletes are often under a lot more pressure than professional athletes - it takes a certain type of person to succeed in this area. This test will assess whether a person possesses the traits and skills needed to succeed in individual college sports.No. of questions: 123 Question type: Situational, self-report
SPSP - R (Soccer Player Success Profile - Revised)
It requires more than physical skill and stamina to succeed in soccer. This test will assess whether a person has the traits and skills needed to be a successful competitor.No. of questions: 151 Question type: Situational, self-report
360 Assessments
EES 360 (Employee Engagement Survey)
Individual Sample Report
Team Sample Report
The objective of EES 360 is to obtain a snapshot of an employee's current attitude toward their work, their job, and the organization. It offers management insight into the organizational "vibe" and brings to light job issues that they may not be aware of.
No. of questions: 22 Question type: Self-assessment and rating scale
MANSSA 360 - R (Management Skills and Styles
Individual Sample Report
Team Sample Report
MANSSA 360 - R offers managers an opportunity to rate their own performance and compare it to feedback from employees and direct reports. This can be a humbling experience, but it provides leaders with an
opportunity to gain insight into whether their current managerial approach is helping or hindering employees from
reaching their full potential.
No. of questions: 31 Question type: Self-assessment and rating scale
TEAM 360 (Team Effectiveness Assessment Matrix)
Individual Sample Report
Team Sample Report
TEAM 360 allows members of a team to rate each other's performance in a number of different areas. This can provide the team and management with insight into how well the current members work together, and whether there are issues that will need to be addressed in order for the team to perform at its best.
No. of questions: 102 Question type: Self-assessment and rating scale