detailed results
strengths & limitations
Overall results (score 83)
Overall suitability for a job in the hairdressing industry.
John is either a natural-born hairdresser or extremely well-trained. He scored very high on most, if not all the scales, indicating that, from a psychological point of view, his skills and work habits appear to be very well-suited for a position in the this field. If John is already a hairdresser, his skills are probably apparent, unless there are other traits not measured on this assessment that impact his performance.
Competitiveness (score 56)
Degree to which an individual strives to be the best, and desires to distinguish himself/herself among colleagues/peers.
According to John's responses, it appears as though being number one isn't the most important thing to him. Although he does have a moderately competitive spirit, outdoing others isn't one of his top goals; there are some occasions when he would rather settle with his current level of performance than try to reach for that top spot. The problem with this stance is that in today's business world, competition is fierce. Customers can easily turn to competitors or even his other colleagues to get what they want. A competitive spark gives a person that hunger to win - to prove to clients that one stands head and shoulders above the rest. John may not be entirely comfortable competing with others, but higher paying salons are known to be extremely competitive, so if he wishes to distinguish himself among his peers and make a good living doing it, he will need a bit more of a fighting spirit.
Willingness to Learn New Skills (score 100)
Willingness to keep on top of trends and update skill set if necessary.
John seems to be very eager to keep his skills and overall hairdressing knowledge up-to-date. This is essential in terms of his professional growth. In competitive salons, the more skills/knowledge a hairdresser has, the greater his/her chances of success. In addition, given that styles change continuously, it is essential to keep track of the latest trends. A promising and successful candidate for this field would be open to and optimistic about the possibility of continuing his or her education to keep up-to-date. Without this motivation to keep learning, a person’s skill set could become obsolete.
Integrity (score 96)
Assesses whether a person is honorable or simply does and says things when it’s to his/her advantage.
According to John's responses, he considers integrity to be very important and does his best to practice it in his everyday life. As a result, his motivation in the hairdressing field will likely stem from an internal source (e.g. sense of pride felt when making a client happy) rather than external source (e.g. financial gain). Making money is not as important as the satisfaction he derives from fulfilling customers' needs. This is a good trait to have. Although not all successful hairdressers act with or possess integrity, most experts consider it an essential quality. Clients are more likely to continue to do business with someone whom they can trust and who truly wants to make them look and feel good, rather than just make a buck.
Passion (score 90)
Refers to enthusiasm for one’s work.
John appears to have great passion and enthusiasm for his work. To be a good hairdresser, one needs to be able to find something to get excited about in even the most mundane tasks. Hairdressers who lack that "get-up-and-go" attitude and tend to be unenthusiastic could be in for trouble. After all, a person who loves what he/she does is often better-equipped to make clients happy. Passion is infectious!
Time Management (score 72)
Ability to use time available effectively and efficiently.
It seems that John has a pretty good grasp of the essential strategies for effective time management. In hairdressing, if a person doesn’t make proficient use of schedules and keep detailed records for clients (e.g. their color formula), this can not only result in serious mistakes, but also a loss of business. Although John scored rather well on this scale, it would still be worth the effort to further improve his skills in this area.
Neatness (score 92)
Ability to maintain a tidy and clean work environment.
For many people, the tendency to be neat and tidy does not feel natural. They can make a resolution to be neat, but inevitably fall back into a pattern of disorder and mess. John's results indicate that he tends to keep a neat environment. He rarely has difficulty finding things because they’re almost always in their rightful places. Keeping his workspace tidy likely allows him to work quickly and efficiently. Neatness in a salon is important not just for safety reasons (e.g. chemical exposure), but could also impact a hairdresser’s reputation. An organized environment reflects an organized hairdresser, so ensuring that things are as tidy as possible is essential.
Physical Hardiness (score 56)
Ability to withstand physically difficult tasks.
John appears to be generally well prepared for the physical challenges of this field, but may encounter some obstacles. This means that he could be at an increased risk of developing or suffering from physical ailments that could affect his work performance. He needs to make sure to be well rested, well fed, and to take care of his body in order to come to work prepared for long days and hard physical work. If his body is not up to standing for long periods, engaging in repetitive movements, and working long hours, he will likely encounter difficulties very quickly.
Stress Management (score 56)
Ability to cope with the ups and downs common in the hairdressing field.
According to John's score, it seems as though his performance does not fluctuate too much under stress. However, while he may maintain composure and productivity under strain, it is not an ideal condition for him. In other words, although difficult or extreme circumstances do not diminish his functioning significantly, they do not enhance his abilities either. The ability to deal with stress is crucial when working during busy hours, and dealing with difficult customers or colleagues. Learning some effective coping strategies when the pressure is on could really benefit John's physical and emotional health.
Self-efficacy (score 92)
Refers to the level of confidence an individual has in his/her own abilities.
John has a very high level of self-efficacy. He recognizes his inner value, and it shows in his professional life. He exudes confidence and believes in himself - he knows he has what it takes to succeed. To be a proficient hairdresser a person must trust himself/herself and his/her abilities, and feel worthy of his/her position. John quite likely displays the outward confidence that inspires trust and loyalty from clients.
Social Skills (score 86)
Ability to relate to/interact easily with other people.
John's score indicates that his people skills are superb. Skills like these are essential to any job in which one works with the public. Hairdressers need to be able to interact in a tactful and appropriate manner with their clients - poor social etiquette could damage a client relationship beyond repair. This is not an industry where people can be avoided, so it's important that John is comfortable interacting with others. He seems to have very few problems dealing with people in a cheerful and professional manner.
Self-control (score 80)
Ability to monitor and regulate emotions and behavior.
When working in stressful conditions or dealing with difficult clients/colleagues, it is, without a doubt, absolutely vital to maintain a cool head. According to John's score, his self-control is very good. He will often step back to consider the social consequences of his behavior before acting, and this is a very healthy and socially appropriate way to behave. Most people would agree that a certain amount of self-control is necessary, as it makes for smoother interactions with colleagues and, most importantly, clients. Although John seems to possess excellent self-control, he can always benefit from learning new and perhaps more effective ways of dealing with difficult people and delicate situations.
Reliability (score 92)
Takes into account punctuality, sticking to appointments, and generally behaving in a professional manner.
John scored very high on the Reliability scale, which indicates that he almost always does what he says he will. He rarely fails to live up to his word, so clients likely feel that they can count on him when necessary. He is reliable and loyal and will do what he can to keep his promises. This is a fundamental trait that could mean the difference between keeping and losing business, as there is probably nothing more frustrating for clients than an unreliable hairdresser.
Creative Problem-solving (score 68)
Ability to think on one's feet and come up with numerous solutions to a problem as quickly as possible.
The ability to think on one's feet and come up with different solutions to a problem is an asset in this industry. If a client's color recipe or haircut goes terribly wrong, for example, a hairdresser needs to think of multiple solutions - fast. John's score indicates that his problem-solving skills are rather good. In general, he rarely has difficulty coming up with imaginative ideas for dealing with issues that arise, preferring to come up with something unique rather than relying entirely on solutions that have worked in the past. This is a good approach to have and has likely come in handy for him.
Self-motivation (score 96)
Ability and willingness to persevere in the pursuit of goals, and to create incentive from within.
According to John's results, he seems to be extremely capable of motivating himself. He rarely, if ever, has difficulty convincing himself to do the things he wants and needs to do. Self-motivation means relying on oneself, and nobody else, for the incentive and direction to get things done. It tends to require a great deal of mental effort, which is why people fail at motivating themselves so often - simply put, it's not easy. This skill is vital to getting through stressful times or if a person is just starting out in the hairdressing business. Everyone goes through a rite of passage before they reach the top. Even if John has been in this industry for a while, he likely realizes that being able to stay focused and motivated can really push him through those days when nothing seems to be going right.
Networking (score 92)
Assesses whether an individual is capable of finding and making useful contacts.
John possesses very good networking skills – he is able to utilize social contacts in order to further his career. In order to be a good networker, a person must possess excellent social skills, enjoy interacting with others, and be willing to utilize social connections when opportunities present themselves. John's skills can come in handy if he is trying to get a “foot in the door”, find a potential business partner, or anyone who can potentially aid him in his career.
Common Sense (score 88)
Ability to make practical and sensible judgment calls.
When it comes to occupations like hairdressing where working with the public is customary, a good dose of common sense is important. Knowing how to read people and resolve delicate situations as painlessly as possible, among other things, is an indispensable trait. Some of the questions on this test dealt with common dilemmas that a hairdresser may encounter at work. Although the best way to respond to these situations may be arbitrary, some ways are clearly better than others.
John's results indicate that he often takes the time to gain perspective of a situation before taking action/responding. This is good news for his relationships at work as well as his credibility as a hairdresser. Common sense has a lot to with self-monitoring; the ability to step back from a situation in order to determine how best to respond. Telling a bride-to-be, for example, that her headpiece is "hideous", or spreading gossip about an annoying colleague might seem harmless, but it does show a lack of common sense. By taking a moment to reflect and put himself in someone else's shoes, John can gain a greater understanding of what would be the most sensible approach to a specific situation.
Entrepreneurial Spirit (score 100)
Assesses whether an individual has the independence, innovative and business skill needed to flourish in this industry.
A successful hairdressing trade no doubt requires a strong business sense. Even as part of a team, a hairdresser’s success is pretty much in his/her hands. Knowing what it takes to keep clients coming back and to be financial successfully requires entrepreneurial know-how – and this is clearly one of John's strengths. This “savoir-faire” can really differentiate him among the competition. Hairdressers who constantly upgrade their skills when necessary, keep an eye on trends, and do what they can to improve relationships with clients (especially loyal ones) definitely have an advantage over those who don’t.