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FPP - AbH (Franchisee Personality Profile - Abridged - hotel version) - Sample Report

Report for: John Smith
Completion: August 9, 2012 at 9:49 am

detailed results
strengths & limitations
Owning one’s own business is a challenging and exciting prospect, and many people dream about eschewing employment and stepping out on their own. It’s no wonder – being an entrepreneur offers greater freedom, personal responsibility and potential financial payoff than working as an employee. However, with these advantages comes risk, and lots of it! According to the US Small Business Administration, only between 30 and 50 percent of small businesses survive the first five years. Owning and operating a franchise is another way to own your own enterprise. You will still be an entrepreneur, but you are associated with an established name and can follow an established framework, one that has been shown to be successful.

Personality Type: Diplomat
Diplomats can prove to be successful franchisees, but not without some effort and hard work. Overall, they are fairly ambitious individuals who become really passionate about their work once they get into the groove of it. However, they may need some time to settle in and adapt to new surroundings before they feel comfortable. They are not the most innovative type and are not entirely at ease taking risks, but they do enjoy a challenge and are willing to persevere despite obstacles. Diplomats are fairly outgoing individuals that can interact rather easily with others, and generally have strong community and family values. Although this may sometimes influence the decisions they make (in that they may base their decisions on what will make others happy rather than what will benefit the company), this also indicates that they will do whatever they can to ensure that the people they serve are shown the respect and value they deserve.
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