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EPA (Entrepreneurial Personality Assessment) - Sample Report

Report for: John Smith
Completion: August 8, 2012 at 2:06 pm

detailed results
strengths & limitations
A rare combination of persistence and a variety of personality traits are necessary to be successful as an entrepreneur. It takes an independent, self-motivated spirit, a rule-abiding nature (at least when it comes to adhering to the legal system), as well as people skills and networking abilities. An optimistic attitude can help overcome the setbacks that can occur in any business endeavor. Finally, an entrepreneur must be willing to take chances and handle the uncertainty inherent in risk-taking.

Personality Type: Collaborator
Collaborators prefer to focus in on honing a few skills rather than being more versatile workers. Their characteristic people skills allow them to use their influence to get what they want, and make them ideal for working in customer service roles, retail sales or any environment where being convincing is an important aspect of getting the job done right. There is a difference between selling cold and having a warm market. Versatile workers (those who can perform a variety of roles) are typically better at selling in a cold market, whereas Collaborators can be great salespeople because they use their people skills and expertise to make a sale.

Typically thoughtful, considerate and easy going, Collaborators work well within a culture of rules, policies and well-defined procedures. Great as a part of a team, they’re agreeable and sensitive; they understand people and like being helpful. Conscientious and cooperative, Collaborators follow company rules and directions well. Having a higher-than-average level of patience, they like to think things through before responding, especially in new situations or when faced with new information. They’re good at handling details and will produce high-quality work.

From an entrepreneurial perspective, Collaborators do well within structured environments where a people element is part of success. They are good at delegating authority as long as they can hire people who will be loyal to the organization and follow the rules.

Collaborators aren’t necessarily confrontational or even overly strong-willed (they do not lean towards independence) and usually won’t want responsibility for supervising others or making difficult decisions outside their areas of specialization. If they find themselves under such circumstances however, they can still get the job done because of their high level of conscientiousness. They can be rather forceful as long as they know what they’re talking about. Take them to areas outside their expertise and they’ll want to become experts in those areas before they’re comfortable making the decisions. More at ease working with people than with systems, they run the risk of wanting to be liked at the expense of getting results. Provided that they’re supported in the organization by a “hit man” – someone to do their bidding and hold others accountable – they can reach their entrepreneurial desires.

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