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CORRTA - R (Collision Repair and Refinish Technician Assessment - Revised) - Sample Report

Report for: John Smith
Completion: January 24, 2011 at 11:31 am

detailed results
strengths & limitations

While there are many different types of people who work in the auto mechanic field, there is a certain profile that is considered to be ideal by experts. Some people will struggle in jobs related to this field, others will thrive. The successful individuals often possess specific, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics.

Please note that the Efficiency, Responsibility, and Adherence to Standards scales are key elements whose scores will contribute to different subfactors. Detailed results for these scales will be tailored to the overall subfactor they appear under.

Overall Score

John's overall score indicates that he is very well-suited for a job as an automotive technician. He would likely be able to succeed in this field with little training - he is a great candidate.
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