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NAPA (Nursing Aptitude and Personality Assessment)

Report for: Sam Sample
Completed on: June 15, 2015 at 3:28 pm

detailed results
strengths & limitations
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing states that the U.S. is anticipating a shortage of nurses as the health care needs of the Baby Boomer generation increase (2012). This may not come as a surprise. Nursing is one of the most difficult fields to pursue, and existing nurses are feeling the burden. While the projected growth of nursing positions is expected to be "faster than average," according to ONET, the need for nurses who can handle the emotional, psychological, social and physical demands of nursing is apparent.

Overall Score

Although Sam does not possess all the skills and traits necessary to work as a nurse, he can potentially develop and improve them over time in order to pursue a job in this line of work. He would likely be able to adapt to this type of position, but it would take some time and effort on his part.
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